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Wednesday 9 January 2013


I haven't really been in touch with family and friends much over the last few days because my Internet has been down. It just stopped working and then started to work again just as quickly as if left me! Only God knows what happened to it but it was a good thing- as all things are in their own little way. I managed to have some 'bonding time' with one of my flatmates who happens to be studying Computer Science. He couldn't fix it but I learnt that he too dislikes Macs- like many of the other computer scientists.

After getting my French railcard equivalent I felt quite refreshed and since, I think I'm just going to take this whole language thing as a little game- do your best but enjoy it. People will figure things out eventually and I can always copy other people without points getting deducted!

Got lots of paperwork and other formalities to do with getting ready for uni- and I've already been told about a test I've got to take. It's always scary to hear about assignments/ tests- especially when you've been out of education for a little while! Insha' Allah it'll be ok though.

When I was internet-less I started thinking about some of the things I used to do at home and took out a pen and paper; felt like I should revive a few of my mehndi (henna) vibes so hope you like my not-so-creative attempt to be creative again...


  1. Welldone. Nice to have you back Keep up the momentum and you will do well in the test.

  2. you should take this menhdi stuff to the french people and make it your mission to cover them all in the stuff! ha!

    is there an Isoc equiv in france?
